Effect of Green Marketing on Sales Growth of Publishing Firms in Makurdi Metropolitan Area in Benue State, Nigeria

Abstract:This study examined the effect of green marketing on sales growth of publishing firms in Makurdi metropolitan area in Benue State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study were to examine the effect of green product, green packaging, green price and green promotion on sales growth of publishing firms in Makurdi metropolitan area. The study used a survey design. One hundred and twenty three (123) marketing staff of 12 publishing companies in Makurdi metropolitan area formed the target population of the study. Census sampling was adopted and the entire population was sampled. Questionnaire was used to gather primary data from the respondents. Multiple regression analysis was run on the data collected and the p- values were used to accept or reject the hypotheses of the study. Findings of the study revealed that green product, green packaging, green price and green promotion all have significant effect on sales growth of publishing firms in Makurdi metropolitan area. The study therefore reached the conclusion that, adoption of green marketing strategies by the publishing firms has significant effect on their sales growth. In order to aid publishing firms to have green prices that are consumer friendly, this study advocates government intervention by way of regulating taxes imposed on packaging materials.

      Keywords: Green Product, Green Packaging, Green Price, Green Promotion, Sales Growth

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