GAS Journal of Applied Geography (GASJAG)
Frequency: Monthly
Publishers: GAS Publishers
Country of Origin: India
Language: English
Chief Editor: Dr. Abhisek Saha
Journal Starting Year: 2024
Journal Starting Year: 2024
GAS Journal of Applied Geography is a monthly, open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by GAS Publishers. Dedicated to advancing the field of applied geography, the journal serves as a platform for researchers, scholars, and practitioners to share their latest findings and innovative applications in geography-related disciplines.
Key Features:
Monthly Publication: The journal maintains a regular monthly publication schedule, ensuring a consistent flow of cutting-edge research and insights in the field of applied geography.
Open Access: As an open-access journal, all articles are freely accessible to a global audience. This inclusive approach fosters the dissemination of knowledge and encourages collaboration among researchers and professionals.
Peer-Reviewed Content: Rigorous peer-review processes ensure the quality and validity of the published content. Articles undergo thorough evaluation by experts in the field, contributing to the credibility of the journal.
Multidisciplinary Focus: The GAS Journal of Applied Geography embraces a multidisciplinary approach, welcoming contributions from diverse areas of geography and related fields. This broad scope encourages cross-disciplinary collaboration and the exploration of interconnected research themes.
Innovation and Practical Applications: The journal prioritizes research that demonstrates practical applications and innovative solutions to real-world geographical challenges. By showcasing applicable knowledge, the journal aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Global Reach: With an open-access model, the journal reaches a global audience of researchers, educators, policymakers, and practitioners. This wide dissemination contributes to a global exchange of ideas and perspectives within the applied geography community.
Key Subjects: Human Geography, Physical Geography, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Cartography and Mapping, Urban and Regional Planning, Environmental Geography, Population and Demographic Studies, Rural and Agricultural Geography, Climate Change and Adaptation, Disaster Risk Management, Economic Geography, Cultural Geography, Political Geography, Health and Medical Geography, Tourism and Recreation Geography, Transportation Geography, Biogeography, Hydrology and Water Resources, Geomorphology, Land Use and Land Cover Change, Resource Management, Remote Sensing, Coastal and Marine Geography, Sustainable Development, Urbanization and Migration, Spatial Analysis, Social Geography, Environmental Impact Assessment, Natural Resource Conservation.
The GAS Journal of Applied Geography invites submissions from scholars and professionals engaged in applied geography research. Whether addressing environmental issues, urban planning, geospatial technologies, or other relevant topics, the journal provides a dynamic platform for advancing knowledge and driving positive change in the field.
Volume 1 – 2024
Vol – 1, Issue- 1
Dr. Abhisek Saha
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Chatra Ramai Pandit Mahavidyalaya.
Darapur, Kotulpur, Bankura- 722141West Bengal, India.
Email: dr.abhisek.saha@crpmahavidyalaya.in
Profile Link: https://sites.google.com/view/crpmgeography2021/faculty/dr-abhisek-saha
Dr. Cornelius Onwe Ogayi
Principal Lecturer, Federal Polytechnic Ohodo, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Email: cornelius.onwe@fedpod.edu.ng
Profile Link: http://www.fedpod.edu.ng/
Dr. Asogwa Ogochukwu sheila
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University.
P.M.B 5025, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria
Email:- os.asogwa@unizik.edu.ng
Profile link: https://profile.unizik.edu.ng/nau6065
Dr. Norena Abdul Karim Zamri
Research Fellow at Institute of Malay and Civilization (ATMA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
No.20, Jalan Serene 6/5, Serene Heights, Semenyih, 43500, Selangor
Email: norena@ukm.edu.my
Profile Link: https://ukmsarjana.ukm.my/main/lihat_profil/SzAyNTUzMg==
Dr. Anas Mahmoud Khaled Bashayreh
Assistant Professor – Business Management, Al Zahra College for Women Oman.
Address: Mazoon street, Seeb, Muscat, Oman
Email: anas.b@zcw.edu.om
Profile Link: http://zcw.edu.om/Departments/Department-of-Managerial-and-Financial-Sciences/Academic-staff.aspx
Dr. Sakul Kundra
Associate Dean (Research) and Assistant Professor at College of Humanities and Education, Fiji National University.
Address: FNU, Natabua, Lautoka, Fiji Islands
Email : Sakul.kundra@fnu.ac.fj
Profile Link : https://www.fnu.ac.fj/about-fnu/campus-info-maps/directory-all/?profile=1313
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