The Famine during the Reign of Mohamed Ali Pasha(Its Causes & Consequences)

Vol – 2 | Issue – 2 | Feb – 2024

Abstract: Mohamed Ali collected the taxes on wheat in the years 1810, 1811 and 1812, and began trading in it. Then, in 1812, the Pasha monopolized the wheat that exceeded the consumption of its owners, and he did not let anyone sell anything of it to others, or transport it in boats, and took this crop. And he deducted its price from the taxes on the land for the following year (1813), then transferred it on his ships that he built and prepared for that, and from there to the ships of foreigners, where he sold the ardeb to them for a hundred piasters. Any quantities of them are sold to others.

    Therefore, it was necessary to present a study on the problem of famine for several years during the rule of Muhammad Ali Pasha, with his application of the monopoly system on grain, and what measures he took to limit the spread of famine in the country by presenting a set of themes and answering their questions.

        Keywords: Monopoly, Grains, Wheat, Floods, Crops, Buying and Selling, Famine, Nineteenth Century

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