- Jirkor Gabriel Msughter, PhD1, Chuchee Christine PhD2, Johnafrica Erewari Nse PhD3 Echendu Chinwe Nneoma PhD4, Onisukumen Ngozi Lynda Phd5
- 1,2,3,4,5 Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
This study aims to develops and evaluate innovation rehabilitation programs that will be to the unique needs of veterans, athletes, and individuals with traumatic brain injuries. These classes of persons often require specialized care to address physical, cognitive, and psychological challenges of their present situations. Five research questions and five hypotheses were used to the study. Descriptive survey research was used. Three representative case studies were presented, each focusing on a specific population and rehabilitations program: (i) a comprehensive cognitive- behaviour intervention for veterans with combat-related traumatic brain injury (ii) a sports- specific return-to-play for athletes with persistent post-concussive symptoms; and (iii) an integrated, multidisciplinary rehabilitation program for individuals with severe traumatic brain injury. A self -structures questionnaire titled: Developing and evaluating innovative rehabilitation programs for specific populations inventory (DEIRPSPI) was used in gathering the data. The instrument was validated by the researcher’s experts in Measurement and Evaluation. The reliability of the instrument was established through test re-test method. The reliability indices obtained were; PSV(r = 0.86), DA (r = 0.75) and MI (r = 0.96). Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) was used to answer and test the research questions and hypotheses. The results of the analyses of the hypotheses were tested for statistical significance at .05 alpha levels. From the findings, it was found that each study details the program’s development, implementation, and evaluation, highlighting the innovative aspects of the intervention and their impact on participants’ physical, cognitive, and psychosocial functioning. The findings underscore the importance of specific needs of these populations and suggest promising avenues for future research and clinical practice.