Gender-Based Violence: An Unethical Weapon in Warfare

Abstract: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) or Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (CRSV) in form of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is an un-pardonable and forbidden act in the humanitarian community. Threats and embarrassments in form of SGBV or CRSV have been utilised as a strategy to undermine their opponents in hostile territory or conflict zones. Humanitarian law (HL) is a specific subset under the international law jurisprudence designed to alleviate the after-effects of war or in armed conflict. Despite the fact that GBV constitutes a crime against humanity in HL and human rights violation, the problem persists and is prevalent in society even today.

In this article, an attempt is made to identify potential means of the motive and intention behind GBV. It is also argued that these incidents of patriarchal activity were planned and used as an unethical weapon. The article advocates the comparative difference between CRSV and SGBV. This article also assesses the applicable international laws, Treaty (ies), Conventions and the stand taken by United Nations (UN).

India has witnessed CRSV or SGBV, especially in warfare and armed conflict. Many sacrificed innocent civilian and this article has summarised such draconian and rampant instances. The article has also outlined the Constitutional provisions and the overhaul of Legislations to dearth the evils related to CRSV or SGBV in the Indian context.

   The article concludes with the author’s two-pronged suggestion(s) i.e. more women participation in peace-keeping and other adequate preventative measures with post-traumatic survivors of GBV.