A Bibliometric Analysis of Decision Support System Using VOSviewer

Abstract:   This study aims to analyze the development of research related to decision support systems based on publications in international journals during the 2019-2023 period indexed in the Scopus database. The research method used is bibliometric analysis by utilizing Vosviewer software to visualize network patterns from bibliometric elements. The results of the analysis show that there is a downward trend in publications even though research interest is still quite high. Based on keyword mapping, 5 main clusters of research topics were found, namely the application of new technologies, the health sector, risk assessment, big data and visualization. Overall, decision support system research opportunities are still wide open, especially on topics that have not been explored in depth. This research is expected to guide future efforts to innovate and develop decision support systems that can meet the challenges of complex decision making.

      Keywords: Decision Support Systems, Bibliometric, Research Trends, Vosview.

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