Análisis Legal y Sociológico de la realidad laboral de las trabajadoras del hogar en Guayaquil y Samborondón 2024 FCI

Abstract: In this research, an analysis is made of the sociological and legal reality of domestic workers, whose objective of the research is how to link the Law student to society through contact with the community of workers. of the home, informing them of the rights they have to motivate them to register with social security. The mixed methodology applied is that of field work, being qualitative and basic, in which students go in search of people affected by the lack of social security using both ICT and visiting an area such as La Puntilla, where. 50% of domestic workers who leave Guayaquil. Men and women between 16 and 30 years old were involved in 30%; from 30 to 50 years, by 45% and from 50 to 65 years by 25%. Contact was achieved with the employees of the homes and they were interviewed in order to obtain the indicators that allow us to find the reality that alters the status of the different laws. It is concluded that the female labor force is concentrated in the informal economy. and in Ecuador 63.7 percent of female employment is characterized as informal. The informal work of women from the popular classes is a survival strategy more than a career or a vehicle for socioeconomic advancement. These women often have “multiple income strategies.

      Keywords: Exploitation, Social security, Underemployment, Domestic workers

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