El razonamiento verbal contable en inglés y español desde la interculturalidad europea americana para Necesidades Educativas Especiales

Abstract:  The objective of this document is to show the contribution of European epistemology to the development of thinking strategies in the development of verbal intelligence by analyzing the examples of the mental and logical operations used, to apply them in a pedagogical way to the praxis of narrative and English diction. Methodologically, it is a qualitative research, a comparative and descriptive historical method has been applied, which analyzes the contribution of the epistemological conditions of the visions of philosophers such as Aristotle and Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Englishmen, mostly such as Thomas Hobbes. , Descartes, Isaac Newton, John Stuart Mill, who have provided rationalist pedagogy with the characteristics of logical and mental operations that assist reasoning within the learning process, today forgotten by many young teachers. Among the results, the bases of Descartes’ contribution were found with the method of doubt to reach the truth, Newton’s scientific method, the analogy explained by Saint Thomas Aquinas. As conclusions, it is established that mental and logical operations must be educated from pedagogy and neurodidactics. In addition, the epistemological contribution is infinite in terms of understanding the reasoning of students with SEN who demand objectivity and truth in discourse, rather than expressiveness.

     Keywords: Neuro Didactics, Logical Operations, Truthfulness, Asperger, Diction,

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