Internet Addiction in Comparison to Substance Addiction

Abstract: With 5.3 billion users, the internet has enabled the communication and sharing of information globally and has reaped numerous benefits. However, with this increase in availability, a new phenomenon known as “internet addiction” has emerged. Internet addiction (IA) is a behavioral addiction—an excessive, uncontrollable, compulsive urge regarding internet use. IA is gradually becoming a serious health issue, affecting an estimated 24 million people in China and 1.5 million in Germany. Limited research has explored the brain effects of IA, which is considered to share neural mechanisms with substance use disorders (SUD). This study compares individualized autonomous behavior (IA) to social unemployment disorder (SUD). Results show similarities in neuroimaging studies but differences in temporal regions. IA is less severe and causes dysfunction in cortical regions, while SUD affects subcortical regions. Although not recognized in Europe and America, China, and South Korea label IA as a significant health concern. More research is needed to determine the long-term neurological effects and public health policies.

Keywords: Internet addiction, substance use disorder, prefrontal cortex, Salience network, Cognitive behavioral therapy.

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