Los Procesos Operativos Para Bibliotecas Digitales Institucionales Con Productos Académicos De Estudiantes De Excelencia

Abstract:    The objective of this research is to explore the different visions of documentary digitization, analyzing library visions to design the administrative guidelines of an institutional digital library. Digital strategies designed specifically to improve the conditions of schooling can focus on aspects such as: support for those who learn and the learning process, the staff of educators and their role to focus and include within the study plans, that is That is, the curriculum. For this purpose, a diagnosis was made to students and teachers to know the direction that was being taken with the best tasks of the students, especially the gifted ones, to be able to recycle the information and together with the work philosophy of the Aspergers to rescue those files and propose a theoretical solution to the problem of lack of file management. It is concluded that the idea of the inclusion of tasks envisions a new school in which the protagonists are the students themselves, they carry the idea that exclusion does not benefit human beings. Teaching reorganized from the complement of digital will change the perspective of the student with SEN, and will no longer depend on teachers.

     Keywords: Asperger; Digital Libraries; Design; Inclusive School.

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