Market Demand Forecast of Refined Oil Products in Qamdo Region of Tibet

Abstract:  As a strategic material and important commodity related to the national economy and people’s livelihood, refined oil products analyze its industry trend under the background of existing national policies, which is also of great signifi-cance to energy security. Based on the development trend and characteristics of the refined oil products industry, this paper analyzes the current situation of the development of the refined oil products industry in Tibet’s Qamdo region under the new price policy, combs through the influencing factors affecting the growth of the demand for refined oil products in Tibet’s Qamdo region, carries out the qualitative and quantitative decomposition and measurement of the main driving variables, establishes a forecast model of Qamdo’s refined oil products demand, and applies the neural network model to forecast the 2023-2027 The demand of refined oil products, which provides theoretical support for the development of refined oil products market in Qamdo region of Tibet, and provides certain reference and inspira-tion for the future development of the market.

    Keywords: Refined oil products, demand forecasting, BP neural network, new price policy,

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