Popper’s Notion of Criticism and Political Progress in the Nigerian Polity

Abstract:  Criticism is a forceful element for desirable change. The idea of criticism runs through Popper’s philosophy from science to politics. The practical significance of this idea in the realm of politics cannot be underestimated. This is underscored by the recurrent need to deal with totalitarian and tyrannical elements at display in everyday politics. Modern democracy has been in crisis because of constant abuse of political power by leaders and other political actors. This evil has become persistent because of the ignorance of the populace about what a true democratic system ought to be and be characterized. Sadly too, those who are knowledgeable enough have failed, either out of fear or favour, to be committed to the values of true democracy, one of which is criticism. Any society deficient of such values is closed against progress and self-improvement. Therefore, using the analytical and critical methods of philosophical enquiry, this paper examines Popper’s notion of criticism as a vehicle of political progress within the Nigerian polity. The study recommends, among others, the need for citizens to be more critical minded, effective engagement of Civil Society Organizations in political processes and the acceptance of constructive criticism by political leaders as a means of enhancing political progress.

     Keywords: Criticism, Democracy, Political Progress, Open Society, Nigeria

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