A Critical Examination of Educational Leadership and Management Processes in the Delivery of Sex Education in a Cross-Section of Secondary Schools in Lagos State of Nigeria

Abstract: The study investigated Critical Examination of Educational Leadership and Management Processes in the Delivery of Sex Education in a Cross-Section of Secondary Schools in Lagos State of Nigeria. Three purposes and questions guide the study. Conclusive-casual research design was used for the study. The target population of the study was made up of secondary school teachers and school administrators in Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos State, Nigeria. The sample size of fifty (50) respondents was used for the study using probabilistic sampling technique. Primary data sources were employed for the purpose of information collection. Primary data was obtained by the researcher through the utilisation of survey questions. The research employed a methodological approach known as thematic analysis. The result of the data collected and analyzed indicated that educational leadership and management play a pivotal role in the efficacious execution of sex education initiatives within educational institutions, educational leadership and management exert a substantial influence in tackling social concerns pertaining to sex education, encompassing the reduction of adolescent pregnancy rates and the promotion of awareness regarding sexual health. It was concluded that comprehensive education should include sex education to empower people with sexual health and relationship knowledge. It was recommended among others that educational leaders should continue to prioritise and push for comprehensive sex education in schools, collaborating with health experts, community organisations, and parents to build programmes that meet students’ and communities’ needs.

      Keywords: Leadership, Management, Sex, Education, Examination, Nigeria

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