Exploratory model of perceived tourism in the COVID-19 era
- José Marcos Bustos Aguayo, Cruz García Lirios, Olga Anaid Diaz Jacinto, Fran-cisco Rubén Sandoval Vázquez4, Michiko Amemiya Ramírez, Gerardo Arturo Limón Domínguez, Bertha Leticia Rivera Varela, Margarita Juarez Najera
- National Autonomous University of Mexico, Autonomous Mexico State University, Autonomous University of Tlaxcala, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos, National Pedagogical University, Metropolitan Autonomous University
- GAS Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies
Abstract: The pandemic was attacked by anti-COVID-19 policies through distancing and confine-ment strategies that impacted tourism. The objective of the present study was to explore the dimensions of the perception of tourism in a scenario of risk of contagion, disease and death by coronavirus SARS CoV-2. A documentary, cross-sectional and exploratory study was carried out with a selection of 345 public transport users. A factorial structure of four factors was found that explained 77% of the total variance. In relation to the literature consulted, the scope and limits of the study are discussed.