The Influence of Packaging Colour and Consumer Brand Favourability of Beverage Products in Rivers State

Abstract:    The aim of the study was to examine how the choice of packaging color relates with consumer perception of beverage brands distributed by companies in Rivers State. The study utilized a cross-sectional survey method. The target population included twenty beverage distribution firms in Rivers State, with the entire population being sampled using a census approach. Sixty structured questionnaires were distributed, with 3 respondents from each of the twenty firms. Fifty-two completed questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The Pearson Moment Correlation Coefficient was employed to test the hypotheses. The results indicate a significant and positive correlation between packaging color and consumer favorability towards brands. This correlation was also found to impact brand loyalty and perceived quality positively. Consequently, the study concludes that the color of packaging significantly influences consumer perception of brands distributed by beverage firms in Rivers State. It suggests that managers and marketers, particularly those in charge of product development, should prioritize the selection of packaging colors in their marketing strategies to gain a competitive edge and sustain business success.”

      Keywords: Packaging colour, Consumer brand favourability, Brand loyalty, Perceived quality.

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