Using Mind Mapping to Improve Reading Comprehension Skills: Exploring its Efficiency in the Palestinian Curriculum for 12th Grade

Claire Hamed Master’s Degree in Applied Linguistics and Translation. Al-Quds/ Bard University, Palestine 10.5281/zenodo.10785165 GAS Journal of Education and Literature (GASJEL) Abstract: Introduction: Despite its proven based- efficiency in developing reading comprehension skills, mind mapping isn’t included as a regular Read More …

The Effect of K-Pop Music on the Concentration Level among College Students

2023 Geraldine Raven G. Rivera, Richard Louie S. Brown, Gizelle V. Santos, and Argel B. Masanda4 National University Philippines GAS Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies Abstract: K-pop music has been one of the most influential contemporary musical genres nowadays. Hence, curiosities Read More …